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Zaw Dese Kyp



English - read below!

Zaw Dese Kyp ali Zaliv zrušenih Gradov, ter vse kar živi tam.

Okolje: directX 11, zmaj: directX 9.
Barvni model: Grayscale
Material: črn kemik pa list papirja ki sm ga u petk krcnu župniku na sestanku na oratorij, de sem loh risov - na takih sestankih je ponavad za take stvari dost cajta.

Potreben čas: Precej.

Za: Svet Zmajev (znan tudi kot Đgn.sl), moj pisateljski projekt.

Zaw Dese Kyp ali Zaliv zrušenih gradov je kraj na jugozahodu sveta -za katerega še ni imena. Leži na obali Velikega zahodnega morja. Ostanki gradov so tam od prve Vojne Zmajev, o tem kraju pa krožijo močne govorice, češ da je tam skrito znanje o zmajih, ki se tam prašijo in skrivajo že stoletja. Do tega znanja se mudi prikopati upornikom, ki so skrajno nezadovoljni z njim in njegovo vojsko, v kateri se lahko najde kar nekaj zmajev, pobijanje katerih je izjemno težko opravilo. Zato tja pošljejo odpravo, ki bi prinesla to znanje v mesto krošenj, Krúin - vendar pa Zaliv zrušenih gradov skriva skrivnost, katere ne pozna nihče: to je veličastno bitje, ki biva tam...

Tole je različica brez tega j*benega fotoaparat efekta. En mi je to skenerov.

O Svet Zmajev: To je en mojih večjih pisateljskih projektov, trenutno v fazi projektiranja - kar se tiče zgodbe, jo je napisano bolj malo. Če pa bi se zgodilo da bi bilo to kdaj na papirju, pa se nadejajte kar velike zbirke knjig.


Zaw Dese Kyp or The Bay of Broken Castles and everything that dwells in it.

Environment: directX 11, dragon: directX 9
Color model: Grayscale
Material: Black ink on white paper.

Time needed: A lot.

Work from Đragonworld (a.k.a. Đgn.sl) writting project of mine.

Zaw Dese Kyp or The Bay of Broken Castles is a place on the south-west of the world (yet without a name), on the coast of Great Western Sea. Ruins of the castles are there since first Dragon War, and there are strong speculations that there lay informations about dragons, hidden for centuries. The rebellions need those data, for they're oriented against the Dark Ruler that rules the world, him as well as his army - in which there is quite a lot of dragons, and defeating them is not a small deal. They send a party to the Zaw Dese Kyp. But there is one thing they know nothing about: that is that the ruins provide a shelter for majestic being...

About Dragonworld or former Đgn.sl: this is the biggest planned writing project of me, and yet I didn't write more than - maybe three - pages of it. Ideas are still gathering in my head, because if it ever gets on paper... this is going to be quite a lot of writing.

This is the version without that blasted 'camera effect'.
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1747x1090px 881.3 KB
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